Internet of Things (IoT)

Our vision is to propel the digital presence of any ecosystem beyond its capabilities and threshold.

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valiant LINEAGE

Today internet of things is everywhere, and WebProepllant had got its own vested in all omnichannel upscaling and dynamic development in all streams be it Personal Health, Smart homes, Smart cars, Smart bykes, Automated home security etc. 


Valiant has delivered smart cities with intelligent roadways, lighting solutions, energy saving, and more..


With zigbee, z wave, BLE, Wi-Fi, mesh networks, we have it all developed and designed.


A new era of security, where most of the identification and judgements would be driven by machines.

The IoT Vision


Improved and enhanced health care solutions by valiantar.


Better and secure solutions by WP for IoT based homes right from OPEN CV solutions.


Higher growth and yielding from mother nature by the help of IoT and our hard work for years.


Automated is the new name for ease of mind, we have proven ourself in getting it done.

IoT = Extention of internet to things


When you think of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart speakers like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home likely come to mind. Their voice command capabilities allow us to do things like set timers while we’re cooking, listen to music, and get the day’s weather report, all without having to press any buttons or use our hands. Innovations in IoT are continuing to make smart home devices even more intelligent, but there are many more use cases for IoT that can help to make our lives easier.

Today IoT is everywhere around us

We are committed to customers success from start to finish. Our input helps make their solutions stand out from the crowd.

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, all collecting and sharing data. Thanks to the arrival of super-cheap computer chips and the ubiquity of wireless networks, it’s possible to turn anything, from something as small as a pill to something as big as an aeroplane, into a part of the IoT. Connecting up all these different objects and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate real-time data without involving a human being. The Internet of Things is making the fabric of the world around us more smarter and more responsive, merging the digital and physical universes.

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valiantar offers a wide range

IoT Platforms

We are proud to offer our skill sets and experience along with industry giant Amazone Web Services platforms with high-end integration from end to end like AWS IoT Core, which helps the customers in several ways. It's a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT Core can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT Core, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren’t connected. AWS IoT Core makes it easy to use AWS services like AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon QuickSight to build Internet of Things (IoT) applications that gather, process, analyze and act on data generated by connected devices, without having to manage any infrastructure.
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Operating system for Microcontrollers


Amazon FreeRTOS (a:FreeRTOS) is an operating system for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage. Amazon FreeRTOS extends the FreeRTOS kernel, a popular open source operating system for microcontrollers, with software libraries that make it easy to securely connect your small, low-power devices to AWS cloud services like AWS IoT Core or to more powerful edge devices running AWS IoT Greengrass. A microcontroller (MCU) is a single chip containing a simple processor that can be found in many devices, including appliances, sensors, fitness trackers, industrial automation, and automobiles. Many of these small devices could benefit from connecting to the cloud or locally to other devices. For example, smart electricity meters need to connect to the cloud to report on usage, and building security systems need to communicate locally so that a door will unlock when you badge in. Microcontrollers have limited compute power and memory capacity and typically perform simple, functional tasks.
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IoT Greengrass


AWS IoT Greengrass seamlessly extends AWS to devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage. With AWS IoT Greengrass, connected devices can run AWS Lambda functions, execute predictions based on machine learning models, keep device data in sync, and communicate with other devices securely – even when not connected to the Internet. With AWS IoT Greengrass, you can use familiar languages and programming models to create and test your device software in the cloud, and then deploy it to your devices. AWS IoT Greengrass can be programmed to filter device data and only transmit necessary information back to the cloud. You can also connect to third-party applications, on-premises software, and AWS services out-of-the-box with AWS IoT Greengrass Connectors.
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