Understanding Sprint Review

Scrum is the framework which comes under the Agile umbrella and is very helpful in the software development process, if implemented correctly. Scrum gives the flexibility for change request and constant feedbacks for the product on which the scrum team is working. Agile manifesto helps the team to set their...

Well Designed framework

In the old days of programming era, the main tools for developing applications were a programming language compiler, very small set of libraries and the operating system API(s) – these were powerful yet very basic set of low-level programming tools. As a developer – they were discovering an increasing amount...

Six points on Azure DevOps

Most of us have heard about Azure DevOps, but wonder whether to go for it or not, may be because your solutions are using technologies like Java, Angular or any open source technologies, in other words non-Microsoft technologies. So, if you have doubts whether to choose for your DevOps function...

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